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Peter Hübner
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Harmonic Therapy of Digital Pharmaceutics
Ques­tion: What re­sults have your stud­ies pro­duced?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: We were able to ob­serve that sev­eral pa­rame­ters of the vege­ta­tive nerv­ous sys­tem un­der­went change under the in­flu­ence of Huebner’s Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic. For ex­ample, the hor­mone beta-en­dor­phin, the body’s own mor­phine, comes close to nor­mal status as a re­sult of the mu­sic treat­ment. Thus, this mu­sic has a har­mo­niz­ing ef­fect.

Head­aches, for in­stance, got bet­ter, sleep be­came deeper and the pa­tients sim­ply felt bet­ter as a re­sult of this ther­apy with the mu­sic. In other pa­tients, there were im­prove­ments in prob­lems like for­getfulness, lack of ori­en­ta­tion, nerv­ousness and lack of con­cen­tra­tion.

Ques­tion: Did lis­ten­ing to Mozart also have this ef­fect?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Lis­ten­ing to Mozart led to the ac­ti­va­tion of bod­ily func­tions, and this runs con­trary to the proc­ess of re­laxa­tion.

When Peter Hübner’s Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic was used, we also saw an ac­ti­va­tion of the opioid sys­tem, which ex­plains the re­duc­tion in pain and the im­prove­ment in sleep ex­peri­enced by many pa­tients. Opioids are sub­stances in our body that one might call the body’s own opium.

This also ex­plains why many pa­tients of both sex felt very much bet­ter whilst lis­ten­ing to and also af­ter hear­ing the mu­sic.

Ques­tion: Could this also be the physio­logi­cal ex­plana­tion for the fact that some lis­ten­ers feel ex­tremely happy when lis­ten­ing to Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, that could be one of the rea­sons.

Ques­tion: Is the suc­cess of the mu­sic de­pen­dent on the mu­si­cal knowl­edge and train­ing of the lis­tener?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: No, suc­cess was evi­dent, com­pletely in­de­pend­ent of the pa­tients’ mu­si­cal and gen­eral edu­ca­tion.

Ques­tion: You are now work­ing with a team of 10 re­search­ers on dif­fer­ent stud­ies with the mu­sic. Which re­sult has had the great­est im­pres­sion on you so far?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Ac­tu­ally, all of the re­sults with Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic are im­pres­sive, but there was one re­sult which was so clear, it really sur­prised us. We ex­am­ined moth­ers who were lis­ten­ing to the mu­sic dur­ing la­bor and saw that the child in the womb relaxes to such an ex­tent that it seems to sleep. This sur­prised us all.

This is a very posi­tive ef­fect, as this har­moni­za­tion of the mother and child, brought about by lis­ten­ing to the mu­sic, is not only re­liev­ing for the mother but also serves to coun­ter­act the trauma of birth for the child. And to­day it is pre­cisely such trauma which is held re­spon­si­ble for many sub­se­quent dis­or­ders the child may suffer. What also im­pressed us is the fact that the mother’s en­ergy dur­ing birth is clearly in­creased by the mu­sic, on av­er­age by 75%, and this serves to coun­ter­act any dan­ger­ous weakening of the mother dur­ing the birth.

Prof. Dr. med. A. Reznikov
in con­ver­sa­tion with pro­fes­sors and stu­dents fol­low­ing his lec­ture at the medi­cal fac­ulty of the Uni­ver­sity of Hei­del­berg
We know that these ef­fects occur, but we still do not know pre­cisely what it is that spe­cifi­cally hap­pens, and this is what we want to find out with our con­tinu­ing re­search.

Ques­tion: What is it about the mu­sic that works in the way you de­scribe? The sounds, the har­mon­ies or the rhythm?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: The most im­por­tant thing about Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic that in­flu­ences the hu­man or­gan­ism is proba­bly its en­tirely natu­ral struc­ture, based strictly on the natu­ral laws of har­mony of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic – which in­deed, ac­cord­ing to old medi­cal sys­tems, also gov­ern bio­logi­cal life.

Ques­tion: Sur­veys con­ducted among more than ten thou­sand lis­ten­ers of the mu­sic in Berlin and Frank­furt re­vealed that approx. 90% said they like the mu­sic very much. How­ever, some said they were not able to re­late to the mu­sic and, in fact, a few said they could not bear the calmness, the or­der and the har­mony of the mu­sic.
So did some of your pa­tients have dif­fi­cul­ties with the mu­sic?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: A few pa­tients ini­tially ex­peri­enced a slight worsening of their head­aches, and there­fore did not want to lis­ten to the mu­sic. We were, how­ever, able to per­suade them to lis­ten to the mu­sic nev­er­the­less – for if the physi­ol­ogy is in dis­or­der, it is quite likely that the regu­la­tory proc­esses which be­gin could well be found un­pleas­ant.

By the fourth day, at the lat­est, these peo­ple ac­tu­ally re­quested the mu­sic them­selves, be­cause in the meantime, they had felt its bene­fi­cial regu­la­ting ef­fects, and in­stead of worsening, their head­aches had sig­nifi­cantly im­proved. If a lis­tener finds natu­ral har­mony un­pleas­ant, it sug­gests that his or­gan­ism is work­ing dis­har­moni­cally, and then it really is time to rec­re­ate a natu­ral or­der, and it is just such a per­son for whom Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic can then be of great bene­fit.

Ques­tion: So what posi­tive ef­fects does this mu­sic have on healthy peo­ple, and is it suit­able for all peo­ple?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, ac­cord­ing to cur­rent re­sults of sci­en­tific stud­ies this mu­sic is, with­out a doubt, suit­able for eve­ryone. One can per­haps sum up by saying that the strong point of this Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic for the healthy per­son lies in the fact that it ef­fec­tively counters stress fac­tors pre­sent in the body.
And nowa­days this is cer­tainly a very use­ful thing. Both my fam­ily and I my­self there­fore use it. Many peo­ple suffer from poor sleep or have head­aches, lack con­cen­tra­tion or have many other gen­eral com­plaints as a re­sult of be­ing under stress. Here Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic can really do a good job: one can deeply relax with it at home and ef­fec­tively dis­tance one­self from the stresses of eve­ry-day-life.

Ques­tion: How should one go about do­ing that? Whilst ly­ing down, sit­ting com­forta­bly in an armchair or whilst do­ing some light housework?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: One should lis­ten to the mu­sic whilst re­laxed and ei­ther sit­ting down or ly­ing. It is hardly pos­si­ble to do any­thing else at the same time. It is very pleas­ant to lis­ten to it in the eve­ning in bed be­fore going to sleep, but also – if your col­leagues do not ob­ject – dur­ing the day at work, for ex­ample. Best would be to relax to the mu­sic three times a day for 30 min­utes.

Ques­tion: That is quite a lot. Would a shorter time suffice?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: As I al­ready said, three time a day is best; but lis­ten­ing just once a day in the eve­ning is often enough. It is defi­nitely good to lis­ten to Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® af­ter the stress of the day, in or­der to re-har­mon­ize the dis­rupted vi­tal func­tions. Those around you and your own body will be very grate­ful.

And: one should per­haps not nec­es­sar­ily ex­pect con­ven­tional ar­tis­tic pleas­ure, as this un­usual mu­sic pur­sues, in a mu­si­cal sense, new paths. The com­poser has not con­ceived it as a con­ven­tional work of art, but as a sci­en­tifi­cally based reso­nance me­dium for the health-pro­mot­ing en­er­gies of na­ture.

Ques­tion: In the same way, per­haps, that: he who drinks spa wa­ter should not ex­pect wine or whisky or vodka?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, for some tastes per­haps in this di­rec­tion. But one should not for­get that re­nowned mu­si­cal ex­perts acknowl­edge this as mu­sic of the high­est mu­si­cal stan­dard and enjoy it as a new mu­si­cal ex­peri­ence.

Ques­tion: Are your stud­ies con­tinu­ing?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, cer­tainly, the re­sults to date have in­spired us to deepen our knowl­edge in the dif­fer­ent fields. It is also a case of mak­ing re­newed use of an an­cient natu­ral branch of medi­cine in our pre­sent time and put­ting it in the ser­vice of our health. This is a challenging task.
