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Basic Law of the Academy

The Cosmic
Education Programm

Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Leading Thoughts

Logical Path - Theory

Logical Path -Practice

Scientific Research


Theoretical Fundamentals

Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics



Medical Music
Preparations on CD

Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul in Human Evolution

Your third question was: “Taking this into account, how must a successful health education be structured?”

My answer: after what has been said so far the successful health education of the future must localize in the first place the universal cosmic forces of our inner light of life, must come to know and utilize them – the individual person has to learn to deliberately activate the radiation of the sun of his self and to utilize it in his inner organs of cognition as well as in his body for the benefit of his health. In so far a successful meditation, or Yoga, is imperative, when it comes to natural health.

Now, as is widely known, such a successful kindling of the inner light of life, or a successful activation of the inner vital energy, historically has always created tension with the established religious organizations – which originally were founded on such achievements of their prophets but are no longer able to produce these effects.
This then leads to the persecution and vilification of those who know how to kindle the light of life, or how to activate vital energy, but all the more to the persecution and vilification of those, who are even able to teach this to others.

Without doubt the worst degree of this persecution by incapable, established religious organizations concerned Christ, but also today the church, which officially refers to him, pounces on everybody and every organization, who and which know how to successfully kindle the inner light of life, and it lives in a downright pathological fear that someone unmasks it documenting its own incompetence in this field. And especially in Germany I had to experience many disastrous things in connection with persecutions by the German Lutheran Church.

In „Price of Freedom“ I reported about it. Also today the German Lutheran Church pounces on me and my Medical Resonance Therapy Music® full of thirst for action via their media – in particular via its Bertelsmann group of companies as well as its political parties SPD and GRÜNE (GREEN PARTY) and the governments led by them – as if I would plan their downfall with it.

But modern medicine will be the historical winner here too under the protection of objective science, as so often since the Middle Ages, and will successfully integrate meditation and Yoga into the health programs of the future with scientific methodology and in the interest of health – there is no way out. Therefore the health programs of the future will contain meditation and Yoga – and to this field I also count my Medical Resonance Therapy Music® structured according to the harmony laws of the microcosm of music – or in other words: they will contain the effective reduction of stress as the essential component of success.

Meditation and Yoga will then officially leave the field of religion and will become medical components of objective natural science. In particular this is necessary in the field of education, too, for establishing higher states of consciousness.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:

RRR 102 Harmony

If you like to look at the complete program,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on the CD-cover above.

If you click on the title, it will lead you to the
scientific research.